The secret to happiness is elusive because it is a paradoxical truth. To gain happiness, you must first cease pursuing it. Things perceived to provide happiness are like shiny, pretty bubbles that lure us this way and that way, chasing after their glossy buoyancy. But once they are handled, they “pop”–empty–vanishing along with the hope that happiness could ever be captured. Happiness cannot be caught or won or purchased or even handled. Happiness simply forms like a rainbow in the kindest and most grateful hearts. Richelle E. Goodrich
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. - Robert A. Heinlein

  2. Happiness [is] only real when shared - Jon Krakauer

  3. Part of the problem with the word 'disabilities' is that it immediately suggests an inability to see or hear or walk or do other things that many of us take for granted. But what of people who can't feel? Or talk about their feelings? Or... - Fred Rogers

  4. Top 15 Things Money Can’t BuyTime. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity. - Roy T. Bennett

  5. Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you... - Roy T. Bennett

More Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich
  1. Time does not heal wounds. It's a body's ritual that does. The instinctual cleansing with rain or other waters, the application of salves. Despite the sting. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>Even neglected, the body begins to take care. To repair itself. Blood clots, tissues regenerate, flesh scars....

  2. This is the thing about a lie: over time, it not only obscures the truth but consumes it. Those who pursue veracity (those dogooders, those seekers) see truth not as an abstract thing but something concrete. Strong, vivid, with an unassailable right to prevail. But...

  3. We pretended she'd only gotten lost in the colors of fall. Piper

  4. The secret to happiness is counting your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.

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